NADIO's Mission
Advance GME at the institutional level and enhance the professional role of DIOs through knowledge sharing, peer-learning, and advocacy.
NADIO's Vision Statement is as Follows:
NADIO will advance ACGME-Designated Institutional Officials’ knowledge and skills, enhancing their ability to successfully lead their institution’s graduate medical education (GME) enterprise and serve as a trusted partner for their sponsoring institutions, hospitals, schools of medicine, and other health care organizations. Above all, through excellence in graduate medical education, NADIO will ensure that patient and population health goals are achieved while educating the next generation of physicians.
NADIO Aims to:
- Create a forum for DIOs to discuss and address challenges in leading GME at their Sponsoring Institutions.
- Provide collective DIO expertise to external stakeholders of the GME community.
- Advocate for the needs of residents, fellows, faculty, program leaders, and institutional GME leaders.
- Create a community that fosters collegiality and support for all DIOs.
- Serve as a peer-learning organization to share innovations and exemplary practices to advance the graduate medical education process and ensure optimization of the clinical learning environment.
- Provide a platform for scholarship regarding the administration of graduate medical education programs and institutions.